Monguelfo castle (Welsberg)

Monguelfo  Castle is located just outside the homonimous village at the entrance of the romantic Val C...

To the alp of Siusi by cable car and chair lift

Declared by UNESCO a site of Natural World Heritage, the Dolomites are extremely fascinating for every hike...

Appiano castle

Although in part a mighty ruin, it reminds the greatness of old time. The chapel, perfectly conserved, with...

Around the lake of Valdurna in the Sarentina valley

This area is still pretty unknown to tourists, but beloved by locals, probably due to its sense of peaceful...

Lake Braies

The largest natural lake in the Dolomite. An emerald surrounded by high peaks. Lake Braies is also the back...

Firmiano castle

This castle is one of the largest throughout South Tyrol  and it is the seat of the "Messner Mountain ...

Trostburg Castle / Fortress Castle

There are many castles in Alto Adige/South Tyrol and many of them can be visited, but this one, although very ...

Messner Mountain Museum

Between the ancient walls of Castel Firmiano beats the heart of a "Enchanted Mountain".   The ...

Along the Marlinger Waalweg

Easy hike along the 'Marlinger Waalweg', the 'Marlinger Waalweg', a fascinating world that is slowly becoming ...

Lake Misurina

Another beauty of the Dolomites, surrounded by famous dolomitic Peaks: the Cadini – the Sorapis – the Crist...

The famous gardens of Castle Trautmannsdorff in Merano

For all visitors in Merano, the sumptuous Gardens of Castle Trauttmansdorff are an absolut must-see. The ca...

The castle of Scena

Only few minutes apart from the village of Scena, the Castle was built around 1350, during the time of Marg...

Some of our guides

Network of South Tyrol’s Tourist Guides

"The trip for everyone"


The guides of our team will help you by guiding your group through historical, artistic, monumental and nature routes in this “Land among the mountains”.

On this web-site you will find the names of our guides and their profiles. In the page dedicated to tour-itineraries you will discover attractive proposals.
The section “Events” shows the most important manifestations that will take place in South Tyrol in the months ahead. Some of these events are of particular interest and worth a visit.

South Tyrol and the Dolomites

From prehistory to nowadays, a bridge between the Mediterranean and the Middle European worlds. A land of mountains, green valleys, sweet orchards; ancient and noble towns, neat villages, towers and castles. From the mountain tops of the Dolomites to the Alpine glaciers, from the Marmolada to the Ortles, from the Tre Torri del Vaiolet to the Tre Cime di Lavaredo , from the Mummy of the Similaun man to the Carolingian churches, from the Romanesque frescoes to the Gothic altars. A land of art, culture and traditions; hospitable like its people.


New! Choose a pleasant walk to complete your guided tour.


Weather forecast Bolzano, South Tyrol